Standby for launch!
Encounter will be officially launched on April 16th 2025, in central London. We are in the process of lining up some exciting press coverage, including in the broadsheets, glossy magazines and online. You can download a press release by clicking here.
If you’d like to interview Encounter’s founder, Melissa Harrison, or its advisor, Professor Miles Richardson, or you’d like high-res images or assets, please get in touch.
Encounter has already featured in British Wildlife, Inkcap Journal, Caught By The River and Resurgence. We’ll add more coverage here as it appears.
What our early users are saying…
“I’ve only been using this app for a few weeks, but already it’s having a significant impact on my experience of the world around me, and my general wellbeing. I’m finding myself going on walks every day where before I kept finding excuses not to, and spending more time on them because I’m that much more engaged.”
— ElHeriz, App Store
“Have been so excited to see this app and it is everything I wanted! A great place to record everything I notice, and encourage getting outside more regularly and actually paying attention. Very simple to add an entry, additional info about what to look out for is useful without being overwhelming and the look of the app is gorgeous.”
— Hazel Wadeson, Google Play Store
“I’ve been looking for something like this for a while, and this is better than I hoped to find. It’s a way to keep a nature journal that’s just for you, not driven by other people’s approval through likes. The added bonus of the inspiration and education is what makes it so wonderful.”
— Jalleneo, App Store
“I already know this app is going to increase my joy of nature throughout the year ahead and inspire me to get out and appreciate what each season has to offer. With an excellent journal feature this allows you to record your own encounters with nature as well as be inspired. Motivational and educational –
an amazing resource.”
— Herbiewhiskers, App Store