About the Encounter app
Encounter was created by nature writer Melissa Harrison as a way to spark love, curiosity, connection and wonder, and to help people in Britain and Ireland build a lifelong relationship with the natural world. The information you see in it has not been produced by AI, and the app isn’t powered by an algorithm. It’s offered to you free, as a gift.
The version you’re using is in its Beta phase. In the months to come, more of the content in the Inspire Me and Learn More feeds will become location-specific as we develop partnerships and learn from your tags about the things you’re encountering. Thank you for joining Encounter at the start of this journey: our plans and ambitions can only be achieved with the help of people like you.
If you like what we’ve made please rate us in the Apple Store or Google Play Store, as this helps more people find Encounter and connect to nature – thank you!
If you would like to suggest some content for the app, fill in this form. To give us feedback send us an email. We can’t promise to reply, but we do read all your messages.
If you would like to delete your account you can use the button in the My Profile section of the app. You can also email us here with the subject line ‘Delete my account’.
If you would like to read our Privacy Policy, please click here. To read our Terms and Conditions, please click here.
Encounter was designed by James Kindred at Fork and built by Netguru. The image on the landing screen is by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash.